We are excited to announce that we passed 15% of our $35,000 goal in just 5 days. Thanks to all of you who have made donations and spread the word about the campaign.

For those of you who are just learning about the “27 Months” documentary project, you can view the trailer above and click on the Indiegogo image on the right side of this page to go directly to the campaign page and donate. Or, just click here:


On the campaign page, there is a pitch video, some additional images and the trailer. All the info about perks, donation levels and links to share via Facebook and Twitter are there! Don’t forget that, if you donate at a higher level — like for the water bottle — you get all the perks from the levels under that!

I’ll be adding more images while I’m in Liberia filming with Andy, so look for those shortly.

Look below for additional information, like the images of the great stainless steel water bottles that let you show some pride for Peace Corps, Azerbaijan, Liberia and the Philippines.

Thanks everyone!