I am delighted to announce that Clare Major, a San Francisco-based Director of Photography, has come on board to shoot “27 Months”. She’s a Berkeley-trained filmmaker and general kick ass sort of lady. And, she was a Peace Corps volunteer, which means she knows exactly how to roll with bucket baths, bush taxis, drinking copious cups of tea and those long afternoons when you just sit in the shade with people in your village and absorb all the awkward silence. All that is just as important when making a documentary as when pursuing international development.

And, she was a PCV in none other than Senegal, a place of true importance to me since I spent much of 1999 in Dakar as an exchange student living with the Diop family in SICAP AmitiĆ© III. In fact, many friends I met at that time still call me Fatou Diop, my Wolof name. Now, I’m super thrilled to be joined by Clare… a.k.a. Jyenaba Bah.